S2i which leads WP6 on strengthening the research management and administration skills at TUIASI organised the second BrainTwin “Briding the Gap” workshop on May 24, 2022. After the first workshop that took place on April 21, 2021, we were happy to host the second workshop online again (the third one is planned for 2023).
The main objective of these networking events is to support knowledge transfer between major industrial stakeholders from medical engineering services and health care institutions in Romania, together with other European stakeholders. We aim to increase the skills and capacities of participants by exchanging knowledge, ideas, and methods, while establishing solid collaboration relationships with each other at the same time.
Find below the presentations of this event
- BrainTwin_2nd Bridging the Gap WS_Introduction
- BrainTwin_2nd Bridging the Gap WS_ALS Voice TT to health care system
- BrainTwin_2nd Bridging the Gap WS_Basic research at hospitals, Spain
- BrainTwin_2nd Bridging the Gap WS_DIZ, NE Romania
- BrainTwin_2nd Bridging the Gap WS_Health RIS3 sector, ARD NE Romania
- BrainTwin_2nd Bridging the Gap WS_Human Factor in IT-Security, Germany
- BrainTwin_2nd Bridging the Gap WS_Technology transfer and innovation
(Photo by Samantha Borges on Unsplash)