In BrainTwin, we aim at advancing our and your understanding of the relatively new scientific field neuroengineering. In the end, the activities of this 3-years long project should lead to the establishment of a new world-level centre for research and education in neuroengineering at the Technical University of Iasi. This centre should focus on three main challenges in the patient medical care process:
- early detection of progressive neurodegenerative disorders
- cooperative robotic diagnostic and therapeutic procedures like surgery
- e-instruments for quality of life improvement for patients
Many more activities are planned in the seven work packages though. As a twinning action, tasks are predominantly in training, networking, knowledge sharing and capacity building directed at the project’s main beneficiary, that is TUIASI.
In this section, you will find all BrainTwin resources that stem from the project’s work and that can be shared publicly. Our public resources include:
- Materials relating to the scientific writing workshops (WP5)
- Materials relating to the proposal writing workshops (WP6)
- Recordings of webinars (WP3)
- The videobook of transferable trainings (WP3)
Please browse through the different entries to find out more.